co-located with ISSRE 2024, October 28-31, Tsukuba, Japan
WoSAR 2024
Software aging is the progressive degradation of performance and dependability in computer programs, especially those executing for a long period of time. This phenomenon has been extensively studied for more than 20 years, as it affects many systems, from embedded devices to server software to critical systems.
Software rejuvenation, i.e., proactive restart of application (components/threads/tasks), reboot of VMs or machines, and failover to a replica are the most prominent approaches to combat software aging. A variety of rejuvenation techniques, scheduling plans, scope and granularity, have been proposed for different application types and platforms.
WoSAR is the premier international venue to discuss the recent advances and discoveries in theoretical and practical aspects of software aging and rejuvenation research. We encourage submissions targeting interdisciplinary research, in particular those listed in the topics of interest.
WoSAR is organized in conjunction with the International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) in Tsukuba, Japan, on October 28 - 31, 2024. Both the conference and the workshops will be “in presence only”, with all presenters of accepted papers required to attend the conference physically in Tsukuba.
This call for papers addresses all researchers and practitioners with an interest about performance and dependability degradation of software systems. Topics addressed in the workshop include (but are not limited to):
Progressive degradation of performability / availability / reliability / scalability / “-ilities” in software systems.
On-line feedback control view of software rejuvenation.
Modeling and characterization of the software aging phenomenon.
Design and evaluation of rejuvenation techniques.
Analysis of aging-related faults/bugs, errors, and failures.
Software test strategies for detecting aging-related bugs.
Monitoring, detection and data analysis of software aging effects (e.g., memory leaks, database index fragmentation, unterminated processes/threads, accrual of round-off errors, ...).
New classes of software aging effects.
Software aging and rejuvenation applied to anomaly detection and security intrusions.
Software aging and rejuvenation in Big Data and IoT Apps.
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) interactions with software aging and rejuvenation approaches.
Environment dependent bugs and their mitigation techniques.
Metrics for software performance and degradation.
Fault localization and testing for aging-related bugs.
Software refactoring for aging-related software problems.
Clone detection in aging software.
Machine learning techniques for aging-related bugs.
Tools for detection and repair of memory leaks.
Software aging monitoring and Software rejuvenation techniques for unmanned vehicles like Drones or Cars.
Software aging and rejuvenation techniques for humans in safety critical environments, like large warehouses.
Other software aging related phenomena, as for example, age of information.
Analytical, empirical, and experimental studies of any of the above topics.
For all the above topics, WoSAR is a unique forum to discuss the software aging and rejuvenation impacts on systems from different domains of applicability such as:
Cloud computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Fog computing, Mobile, Machine learning systems, Embedded, Medical, Cyber-physical systems, Cyber-Security, Industrial control systems such as SCADA, Smart Grids, Smart Infrastructures, Smart Cities, Transportation, Telecommunication, Military, System of systems, Databases, High Performance Computing, Software Defined Networks, and others.
Paper Submission Deadline:
July 28, 2024
August 4, 2024
Paper Notification:
August 18th, 2024
Camera ready papers:
August 25th, 2024
WoSAR 2012